Worthing-Bognor rivalry reaches the next generation

The Rocks youngsters are in action at Nyewood Lane on Monday nightThe Rocks youngsters are in action at Nyewood Lane on Monday night
The Rocks youngsters are in action at Nyewood Lane on Monday night
Manager Paul Hinshlewood says his Bognor under-19 players are keenly anticipating the chance to come up against their rivals Worthing tonight (Monday) at Nyewood Lane and keep the friendly rivalry between the two clubs vert much alive.

The Rocks sit in second spot in the National League 19 Alliance table, three points behind table-toppers Worthing but having played a game fewer than their south coast counterparts.

Hinslewood wants to snatch a win to maintain his side's title charge just as Jack Pearce's senior side managed to get one over on the Rebels with a recent Bostik Premier League victory.