RESULT: Crawley votes to leave in EU referendum

Voters headed to the polls for the EU referendum yesterdayVoters headed to the polls for the EU referendum yesterday
Voters headed to the polls for the EU referendum yesterday
The majority of Crawley voters backed the UK leaving the EU in yesterday's referendum.

The area is the third in Sussex to declare this morning, with the majority of voters in Rother and Eastbourne in East Sussex also backing the leave campaign.

The turnout in Crawley was 73.2 percent, and of those 58 per cent backed leave, compared to 42 per cent voting for remain.

Counting took place at the K2 Leisure Centre.

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Henry Smith, Crawley MP, said: “I’m very proud of the majority of Crawley people who voted to leave the EU. Constituents have been patient but now their victory has come.”

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